Monday, June 22, 2009

Lessons From a Pup

Alongside me this morning as I write, sitting in my favorite chair, lies a precious little schnauzer girl - Little Miss Molly. She has attached herself to me, especially when she is tired and needs a nap. I wrote last week about how she curls up in my slippers, and she is still doing that if I am not available, but how she dearly loves to snuggle in my lazy-boy, and be as close to me as possible. She does the same with Ron, but loves to snuggle in his arms. That's quite a sight, ‘cause Ron is not a small man by any means, and she looks so tiny in his arms.

She has become quite the adaptable girl. This last week we had house guests, and she made herself comfortable in their arms too - quickly. She plays tug-o-war, chews whatever she can find, and loves to go outside to explore. She has learned to tolerate the leash, because little "Miss Independent" loved to take off down the driveway, and considering that she is so small and close to the pavement's color, she would be nearly impossible for a driver to see.

She has rapidly learned how to be the boss! It's so cute at bedtime. She has a little bed near ours, and once we have gotten in bed, she wants the light turned off right away. She will whine until we turn it off, or if she doesn't get her way, she places both paws over her eyes to block out the light so she can sleep.

Amazing how much one can learn from a dog!
  • She eats only when she is hungry (Isn't that smart?)
  • She sleeps when she is tired. (m.m.m.)
  • She knows how and where to get affection and comfort.
  • She freely gives affection, and so receives it from others.
  • She trusts the ones who care for her and provide her needs.

Wouldn't we be so much better off if we followed those points?

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