Monday, March 5, 2012

In a Hurry?

We had just been in a horrible accident with our car totaled. We were in a rental car, on our way to a hotel for the night.  Shaky and traumatized from the near-death experience, we were stopped at a traffic light and in the left lane, waiting to make a left hand turn into the hotel's parking lot.

Suddenly, a vehicle from the cross street raced through the intersection.   A man on a motorcycle came from the right and the two collided right in front of us. Car parts, shoes, motorcycle parts and who know what else went flying by along with the motorcyclist, who landed on the pavement.  He laid there in a lifeless pose, while several folks in other lanes alongside us, ran to his assistance. We sat, dazed, in our rental car.

We watched as the man on the ground was helped by other motorists and quickly heard sirens screech as an ambulance approached.  Stunned and feeling paralyzed, we prayed as we watched.

And then came a knock on our window, so Ron rolled down his window as the woman on the other side demanded. "Can't you see you're blocking traffic?  Move this #@&* car!" she barked.
"Well, Ma'am, there's a body in the road right here.  A terrible accident."
"What's that got to do with you?" she retorted.  "Everyone behind you is angry.  We're in a hurry, so get your car outta' here."

Have we totally lost caring in this society?  Was the rush, the craziness because we were in a big city?  Are people really this cruel and insensitive?  Does the severe injury of a man sprawled in the road in front of you not matter?

Does this remind you of the Good Samaritan story in the Bible? Are we really in such a hurry that we cannot show compassion and caring?  We were simply trying to block traffic, preventing another accident.  Do you suppose a movie this raging woman was going to attend was starting, or was she trying to get to a store or a restaurant before it closed?  Are we as humans really this thoughtless?

What do you think?      

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1 comment:

  1. What a lesson to take on here! We must always use kindness and respect in our encounters with others. We don't have a clue about any trauma or struggles they are having to deal with as their lives intersect with ours.

    Better yet, we should take such encounters as opportunities to lend encouragement in any way appropriate. Jesus says that we must love one another. (John 13:34) Even the stranger.

    Thanks, rude driver, for this lesson reminder.
