Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't Do What We've Done

Paper, paper everywhere - and much more stuff to shred! My Grandmother's stuff, my parents' stuff and ours! It's just too much when one finally comes to downsizing and packing to move.

We have had a storage room off of our garage, where we have kept files and files of not-needed and now definitely unwanted papers of all types. You don't want to know how many bags of shredded paper our poor garbage man has had to haul off- unbelievable. There was just NO WAY we were going to cart it all to our smaller house that does not have a garage nor a storage room, and is in itself, much smaller than our house here.

Reminds me of the stuff of our lives that we keep and just don't need to! Of course there are precious, treasured memories, that we hope we'll never loose, but there are other experiences and thoughts and feelings that we need to shred and put in some never-to-be-looked-at-again landfill, far away!

After all of the research that we have done about the human mind and it's power, we believe that those long ago, should-have-been-trashed memories, that are filled with the accompanying emotion, slow down our thinking and create glitches in our recall and thought processes as we age. We believe that many seniors loose awareness and memory because there's too much "paper" (recorded memory and emotions) junking up the brain, just like the unwanted paper has cluttered our storage room and study.

You know, one of the finest thing we can do for seniors, is to get them to talk about the past - their lives, their loves, their pain, their regrets. That's like helping them to identify unneeded paper and shredding it, making things ever so much simpler. Maybe, before you are a senior, you should start talking or writing about some of your memories. It's the painful ones that drag us down, because the accompanying negative emotions pull us toward sadness, anger, fear and a host of other negative emotions.

Moral of this blog - start shredding NOW!

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