Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pears n Pairs

After a lengthy absence from home, beginning the end of January, I went to the office and noticed that my calendar was still on January. As I turned the page to pass February and land in March, I noticed that my February calendar, entitled "Flavors of Life," had a giant picture of a pair of pears on the February page. How coincidental - or was it?

We have spent the last four seminars ministering to pairs - to couples. In this picture, two Bosc pairs sit on a table, surrounded by their leaves. The left pair, slight larger and taller than the right one, leans toward the other with it's top curled slightly over it's companion pair in a protective stance. The right pair leans into the embrace. These two pears do indeed, look like a human pair, snuggled to each other. What a profound picture.

God did create first the male, the stronger of the two, to be provider, protector and priest. And when He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, he created a "helper suitable for him" to be the concerned, compassionate caregiver. Amazing how this picture on my calendar seems to depict that.

As we have dealt with couples here in the US, the Czeck Republic, Russia, the islands of the Caribbean, Singapore and in Guam and England, we have discovered that the issues they confront are not appreciably different from each other. The issue of selfishness raises its ugly head everywhere, and to be sure, each individual brings into their relationship, the issues that they carry from previous generations in their own families. He brings his junk, she brings hers and together they make more of the same.

How in the world do we get around this? We DON'T! We have to go headlong, straight through it. We have to look at our beginnings, going back in previous generations as far as we can to find and then acknowledge the trash that has been handed to us. Of course, we wade through that to discover the good we received, because there's always some of that. And then each one in the couple must do the work of removing the emotional charges from their old memories. This will guarantee that her junk doesn't affect him and visa versa.

There's a process to help you do that work - thought you might like to know. Actually there are three choices:

a 22 session recovery program

a scientific and more complete approach to emotional healing (4, 10-session segments)

This one's been out a while, but is still effective.

So if you want your marital picture to look like the pair of pears, and it currently doesn't, may we suggest the above restitutional programs?

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