Monday, August 3, 2009


Our new little Mini-Schnauzer girl is learning and teaching us simultaneously! Little Molly is a smart little pup and at the same time endeavoring with all her might to learn how to alert us when she needs an outside potty break. She is learning that these ignorant students of hers (us) have to be told verbally of her need. She comes to wherever we are sitting or standing, stands on her hind legs and gives a hearty "woof-woof" or sometimes a quiet whine. Either vocal alerts us that she needs to "go outside." When we ask her if she needs to "go outside," she replies with an excited "woof-woof-woof!"

This is not an easy lesson for puppies to learn. They have to adapt to a whole different culture than the one they were born into. Let's face it, dogs know very little about indoor versus outdoor plumbing.

One thing they do "get" rather quickly however is eating. Amazing to me that they can figure out the activity of humans eating food versus what it's like for a dog to eat. We certainly don't stick our heads in a bowl located on the floor, but when we are eating, little Molly is "Johnny on the spot" begging to enjoy whatever we have on our plates. We do our best to not give in to her begging. ‘cause we are told by the experts that human food is not great for dogs in most cases - except for some raw veggies and maybe some small amount of fruit. Our Maddie, the schnauzer we lost last summer, was an absolute fiend for bananas. Whenever we would open one, she was at our feet faster than the speed of light! Molly cares not at all for bananas - that we did try.

A few things we certainly can learn from little Molly are:
  • When you're tired, flop down for a nap.
  • When you're hungry, eat. Don't bother to eat when you're not hungry.
  • When you're lonely and you are in need of companionship, seek it out! Go and let someone know that you want to be with them.
  • When you want to be held, don't wait ‘til someone invites you. Go to the person you live with and offer and ask for love and attention.
  • Give affection whenever you're able or the opportunity presents itself - to the people who you know and love, that is.
  • Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut - you learn best that way.
  • When you want or need something ask for it. Don't expect people to be able to read your mind.
  • Any time you can get the chance to go for a ride, stick your nose out in the fresh air and frolic about , do it. The fresh air, sunshine and exercise will do you good. You'll sleep better!

She has taught us about unconditional love. Even when we have missed her clues and as a result she has used indoors for her potty and is reprimanded, she still offers kisses and affection. She readily climbs on our laps, licks our cheek and nuzzles her snout into our necks.

Oh that we would learn that lesson! Forgiveness and relationship restoration should be that easy!

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