While you may not be a supporter of his views on politics, one could hardly ignore the content of his speech this morning.
Awards were given to three entities in Israel:
- a 12 year old whose parents and siblings were slaughtered in cold blood by extremists and haters of the Jews. She received an award for FAITH, based on her actions after the murders.
- two restaurant owners - a Muslim and a Jew, in whose establishment peoples of all faiths often ate. A suicide bomber took out herself and many customers there. These owners received an award for HOPE, as they re-opened 2 months following the incident.
- An owner of numerous super-markets, who serves Muslims and Jews alike, and often donates food to poor families of either faith who cannot afford the food. His award - COURAGE.
In this speech, he challenged us to be responsible - to not rely on government leaders, priests, rabbis and pastors to do the right things and be responsible, but to be responsible ourselves - wherever we are and whomever we are. Be responsible to God, to each other, and also to link arms to do the right and responsible things for Israel and for mankind.
What ever happened to responsibility anyway? When did we stop teaching it to our children, first by example and then by precept? When did we lose courage to do the right thing? When did we forget that there are right things, not just our feelings to consider? When did we turn our backs on "thus saith the Lord" to just "do it MY way?" Oh yes, selfishness abounds, and it does because we think it's the only way we can survive, but will mankind survive if all we think about is ourselves?
Would love to read your answers to the questions posed!