Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Be Responsible?

This morning an amazing program was on the Internet.  Glenn Beck, a former Fox News Contributor who is an outspoken Christian and reformer of sorts, conducted a  program broadcast live from Jerusalem, Israel.  Hundreds of people from around the world met him in Jerusalem for a "Restoration of Courage" rally, similar to the rally conducted one year ago at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
While you may not be a supporter of his views on politics, one could hardly ignore the content of his speech this morning.

Awards were given to three entities in Israel: 
  • a 12 year old whose parents and siblings were slaughtered in cold blood by extremists and haters of the Jews. She received an award for FAITH, based on her actions after the murders.
  • two restaurant owners - a Muslim and a Jew, in whose establishment peoples of all faiths often ate.  A suicide bomber took out herself and many customers there.  These owners received an award for HOPE, as they re-opened 2 months following the incident.
  • An owner of numerous super-markets, who serves Muslims and Jews alike, and often donates food to poor families of either faith who cannot afford the food.  His award - COURAGE.
And then, sandwiched between beautiful music,  Beck gave a speech that could easily have made him  a martyr for the cause of Israel's right to exist.  Courage?  It was far beyond courageous!
In this speech, he challenged us to be responsible - to not rely on government leaders, priests, rabbis and pastors to do the right things and be responsible, but to be responsible ourselves - wherever we are and whomever we are. Be responsible to God, to each other, and also to link arms to do the right and responsible things for Israel and for mankind.

What ever happened to responsibility anyway?  When did we stop teaching it to our children, first by example and then by precept?  When did we lose courage to do the right thing?  When did we forget that there are right things, not just our feelings to consider?  When did we turn our backs on "thus saith the Lord" to just "do it MY way?"  Oh yes, selfishness abounds, and it does because we think it's the only way we can survive, but will mankind survive if all we think about is ourselves?

Would love to read your answers to the questions posed!
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    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Eye on the Sparrow

    We just turned off the news, and I'm glad that we did. News anchors of great renown are reporting the worst possible economic news.  Experts are predicting China's anger over our financial mess.  More local (statewide) reporters spew out tales of murders, robberies, DUI's, hit and run accidents.  tornados, floods, fires (we've had an elegant sufficiency of them in our area this year!) earthquakes and other disasters, than ever before.

    Are men's hearts failing them for fear?  Is yours?  Are you watching the grocery bills escalate?  I know that I spend at least one third more now than I did a year ago, and we've really cut back on what we buy.  I'm not entertaining nearly as much as I once did. We were with extended family the other night and while at the table having dinner, one of the family got a phone call and acted horrified at the news he was getting.  The wife of a friend was slated for retina (eye component) surgery, and at the last minute was denied the surgery.  WHY?  Because the insurance company said they would pay for the operation but not for the hospital costs.  WHAT?  So the hospital crossed her off their surgery schedule for the next morning.  Unbelievable!

    You know, I bet we'll see a lot more of what's been listed above, but it's not surprising.  The Bible has predicted these things would happen.  But . . . I can recall my sweet English grandpa quoting many, many times an interesting Bible text that went something like this: "I've never seen the righteous go hungry or his seed begging bread."  And many times these last few months, I've heard it repeated in his old English accent, in my mind.

    I for one, take it literally.  When I look at grocery items I used to buy and cannot now afford, I just say to myself, "we didn't need it anyway."  Eating simpler is better for us.

    I used to be afraid of the time of trouble, but you know, I've seen God work mightily in the past and have confidence that he can do the same again.  Our meeting (Ron's and mine) was miraculous, the births of our two daughters were miracles, the change in our lives from marital strife to marital harmony is another work of God, so why should I fear the future?  His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!

    How about you?  

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    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    Forty-Six Years of Love

    Forty-six years ago tomorrow, on the hottest and most humid day ever (the temp and humidity were 96 degrees) the Love of my life and I walked down the aisle of the little church in New London, Connecticut as husband and wife.  What a joy for us both!

    Today we celebrated that achievement with Sunday Brunch at a lovely old inn, high in the Sacramento Mountains (8750 ft. altitude) in a small town called Cloudcroft. We toasted each other and gazed into each other's eyes like we did at our wedding reception, but this time with the history of 46 years behind us, two beautiful daughters, two exceptional son-in-laws, and four fabulous grandchildren born to our girls.  And, lucky us, one little Great-Granddaughter!

    Amazing how the years change things.  Our bodies creak and groan, our hair has turned to silver, and we aren't the whispy things we once were (added a few pounds)  But has the change in the outward appearance changed our love?  Yes it has.  Our love has deepened, and there is a knowing, a security, a blending that we didn't comprehend 46 years ago.  While the years haven't always been easy, there has come a priceless love between us that hair color, added pounds and creaking bodies cannot destroy. To me he is as handsome today as the day we met and the day we tied the knot. Our passion for each other has multiplied through the years and the years that didn't go so well have become a part of today's mission.  Read Heart Connection if you're not sure that's possible. You can find it at

    Many such blessed years to you too!

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    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    Friends I Can't Do Without

    I have very little blood family left - other than children, grandchildren and one little great granddaughter, I have just one cousin left, and he's 2500 miles away!  Of course, my family was small in size to begin with, but lucky me - I've enlarged the group!

    When Ron and I married, I was thrilled that he had 5 siblings.  Now there's 2 of them left - 2 of his sisters, and they are precious to me!! But again, they live far away, so get-togethers happen infrequently.  Our youngest daughter is far away in miles too.  YUK!

    Through the years however, we've made friends wherever we have lived - and there have been quite a few places due to career.  In our God-given work as a couple, we have met very dear people who continue as loyal supporters and with whom we love to be in touch - Karan and Eric who moved 3500 miles to help us with our ministry.

    One female friend is a gal I cannot be without - she's fun and a builder-upper.  We e-mail and chat on the phone whenever we get 5 minutes. Another female friend is a loyal chum - understanding and tender and a fabulous cook - thanks for the great lunch, roommate. Another friend lives in cold country - far too far away.  We get to see each other once a year if we are lucky. She has been a precious friend who has helped me move and my mother too, far too many times - and done a whole lot more! I have a few new friends who are special too.  We plan lunches whenever we can, keep in touch by e-mail and short visits whenever we are in each other's area.  There's sweet Linda, the best Massage Therapist in the world, who lives just down the street. YEA!

    My Best Friend? - My Savior
    My Next Best Friend? - My sweet hubby

    But at this moment, my treasured friend is Audrey - a woman of great computer intelligence and know-how, who has helped me out of a computer glitch - so that I could write and publish this blog!

    Write and tell a short story about your best friend - Male or Female.  I'd love to hear it.  Write it in Comments - bottom of this page.

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