Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Be Responsible?

This morning an amazing program was on the Internet.  Glenn Beck, a former Fox News Contributor who is an outspoken Christian and reformer of sorts, conducted a  program broadcast live from Jerusalem, Israel.  Hundreds of people from around the world met him in Jerusalem for a "Restoration of Courage" rally, similar to the rally conducted one year ago at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
While you may not be a supporter of his views on politics, one could hardly ignore the content of his speech this morning.

Awards were given to three entities in Israel: 
  • a 12 year old whose parents and siblings were slaughtered in cold blood by extremists and haters of the Jews. She received an award for FAITH, based on her actions after the murders.
  • two restaurant owners - a Muslim and a Jew, in whose establishment peoples of all faiths often ate.  A suicide bomber took out herself and many customers there.  These owners received an award for HOPE, as they re-opened 2 months following the incident.
  • An owner of numerous super-markets, who serves Muslims and Jews alike, and often donates food to poor families of either faith who cannot afford the food.  His award - COURAGE.
And then, sandwiched between beautiful music,  Beck gave a speech that could easily have made him  a martyr for the cause of Israel's right to exist.  Courage?  It was far beyond courageous!
In this speech, he challenged us to be responsible - to not rely on government leaders, priests, rabbis and pastors to do the right things and be responsible, but to be responsible ourselves - wherever we are and whomever we are. Be responsible to God, to each other, and also to link arms to do the right and responsible things for Israel and for mankind.

What ever happened to responsibility anyway?  When did we stop teaching it to our children, first by example and then by precept?  When did we lose courage to do the right thing?  When did we forget that there are right things, not just our feelings to consider?  When did we turn our backs on "thus saith the Lord" to just "do it MY way?"  Oh yes, selfishness abounds, and it does because we think it's the only way we can survive, but will mankind survive if all we think about is ourselves?

Would love to read your answers to the questions posed!
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    1. What a reminder that we owe it to others, ourselves and God to be resposible for who we are and how we treat others especially in bad times. It's so easy to treat others well in good times but a great test of courage is how we treat and react to others in bad situations. Thanks Nancy for the reminder to act and be responsible!!!

    2. Reading this I thought of two things. First, it doesn't surprise me that responsibility is low on the list of priorities individually and in teaching to our children. The first response Adam and Eve had was to blame and it has continued in humanity since then.

      The second thing I thought about was a conversation I had with a friend of mine this spring. We were talking about positive traits and I said I did not know what mine were. She said, "I know one". Then as her eyes filled with tears she simply said, "Courage". I had never thought of myself as courageous or one who had courage. But, after contemplating this comment, I saw several times in my life when I had displayed courage. Homeschooling my daughter when I lived three blocks from the Christian school where my father was principle, going half way around the world with a woman I had met once and then we did not connect and I had to fly and go through customs myself. I saw smaller things also, standing up for right when others were just going with the flow. Am I always courageous? No way, but I certainly see many times when I was. Perhaps we just have not had someone drop a word in our life that opens our eyes to who we are.

      Thank you Ron and Nancy for being courageous enough to share your story and what you have learned thus making a difference in so many lives.

    3. I agree with Mr. Beck!! People are not held responsible for their actions. Something that has always chaffed against my soul. You hear about lawsuits because someone got hurt being stupid. I heard of a gentleman that sue because his ladder slipped in cow pie and there was no note of warning on the ladder. REALLY!!

      We can not change the world or our spouse but we can change ourselves and become accountable to God and to others for our actions. Who knows if we change ourselves just maybe the world will become changed because we accept the fact we are responsible for ourselves and our actions.

    4. In the 60's and 70's I was an active member of the women's movement..a libber if you will.
      I am proud of the work that I and my many sisters in equality forged, as my daughters today have so much more respect and freedom in all areas of their lives.
      Unfortunately: this has meant no more traditional home values in many homes today.
      Where is the meal together with a blessing. Bible reading...or just reading together? Mom and Dad both working in the home for it's stability and values...Christian or not...values!
      I regret that the pedulum swang too far taking mom out of the home...why? money to buy things to keep up with the Jone's!
      I still am a "libber", if you will..difference is...I am a Christian "Libber."
      I call for the traditional "Home" to be restored with the family united under one roof to bring peace in their own home...therefore sprinkling out peace to the World.
      Glenn Beck? oh, dear me. Everyone has some truth and value..even the Rushs and Glenns.
      Hubby an addict, I'm afraid. I read the Bible and have meditation groups instead.
      Thank you both for giving a darn and involving us.

    5. I believe that one of the "benefits" of the liberal agenda is that as families are destroyed and children become increasing more wounded, the demise of our society will be inevitable because our adults will be children (in their emotional makeup) and unable to even comprehend what "responsibility" means. "Everyone" will demand that someone care for them - i.e. the government! I have found that the more healed I become in my heart and mind, the more I am able to assume responsibility for my actions. It is no wonder that Jesus said, "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free," (John 8:32.) Only the truth can unlock the hearts and minds of people so that they will be free to take responsibility and care about others!

    6. Carolyn said...
      What awesome and inspiring examples. I agree with Rachel about the results of wounding and as I heal I am more ready and able to take responsibility for my life and my actions. Healing spreads and as I act in loving ways to those around me it starts a ripple that won't stop. I may not see it, but it does make a difference.
