Friday, August 19, 2011

Eye on the Sparrow

We just turned off the news, and I'm glad that we did. News anchors of great renown are reporting the worst possible economic news.  Experts are predicting China's anger over our financial mess.  More local (statewide) reporters spew out tales of murders, robberies, DUI's, hit and run accidents.  tornados, floods, fires (we've had an elegant sufficiency of them in our area this year!) earthquakes and other disasters, than ever before.

Are men's hearts failing them for fear?  Is yours?  Are you watching the grocery bills escalate?  I know that I spend at least one third more now than I did a year ago, and we've really cut back on what we buy.  I'm not entertaining nearly as much as I once did. We were with extended family the other night and while at the table having dinner, one of the family got a phone call and acted horrified at the news he was getting.  The wife of a friend was slated for retina (eye component) surgery, and at the last minute was denied the surgery.  WHY?  Because the insurance company said they would pay for the operation but not for the hospital costs.  WHAT?  So the hospital crossed her off their surgery schedule for the next morning.  Unbelievable!

You know, I bet we'll see a lot more of what's been listed above, but it's not surprising.  The Bible has predicted these things would happen.  But . . . I can recall my sweet English grandpa quoting many, many times an interesting Bible text that went something like this: "I've never seen the righteous go hungry or his seed begging bread."  And many times these last few months, I've heard it repeated in his old English accent, in my mind.

I for one, take it literally.  When I look at grocery items I used to buy and cannot now afford, I just say to myself, "we didn't need it anyway."  Eating simpler is better for us.

I used to be afraid of the time of trouble, but you know, I've seen God work mightily in the past and have confidence that he can do the same again.  Our meeting (Ron's and mine) was miraculous, the births of our two daughters were miracles, the change in our lives from marital strife to marital harmony is another work of God, so why should I fear the future?  His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!

How about you?  

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  1. I often wonder if the economic downturn is God's gentle, merciful way of showing us back to simplicity. Like the song that Laura Story sings, Blessings - she says:

    "Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
    What if Your healing comes through tears
    What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
    What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

    What if my greatest disappointments,
    Or the aching of this life,
    Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy."

    When I can understand more and more that God is doing everything He can to show us a Better way - His way, the fears of the past, now or what's to come dims in the light of knowing and believing that the Sparrow IS noticed.

  2. Dear Friend:
    I am begging for bread these days. Yours!
    Peace can only begin with every word, thought and movement. Some days the cat could use a little yelling at, yet I know that "Yell"
    will resound throughout the whole world....only contributing more to the chaos.
    "Peace I Leave You."
    See you in a few days.

  3. Since control was a core element of my life (till I'd been through Binding The Wounds and The Journey several times, I found it especially difficult to tell God, "OK, take my life..." All the while thinking, "And, PLEASE, don't mess it up..." I just finally had to take it on blind faith that He said he loved me and would do anything to help me. I stepped off the cliff of "OK, take control" and found peace that I'd never found before. I found it necessary to retell Him every day-- putting my arms out in front of me to symbolize my life being handed over to Him.. I know now, that He gives us what we need at the time--not ahead of time. Life is so much better when I can put my future in His hands. Carolyn
